In the last several weeks, hundreds of Organic and Natural products entrepreneurs have joined one of the twice-weekly Hirshberg Entrepreneurship Institute (HEI) Webinars. Among the very top questions that we are being asked is about Best Practices and “Do’s and Don’ts” for dealing with retailers and distributors during this pandemic. Due to popular demand, on Wednesday, April 29th we sat down for A Conversation with INFRA, NCG and KeHE.

Pat Sheridan (Interim CEO of the Independent Natural Foods Retailers Association – INFRA), Ben Nauman (Sr. Director of Purchasing, National Co+op Grocers ) and Katie Paul (VP, Category Management & Growth Solutions at KeHE Distributors) will address supplier questions and concerns of navigating the retail and distribution environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key topics include promotional impact/options, consumer demands trends experienced to date and expected in the near future, best practices for suppliers in addressing the demand surge, how best to engage retailers and distributors during this time, and more.

Our session will be moderated by natural products consultant and HEI contributor Bob Burke and Gary Hirshberg. We will begin with a presentation by our panelists in response to the most common current questions and themes we have collected and then we will turn to a live Q&A. If you are selling products in the natural channel, this is a fantastic opportunity to hear from the highest level of leadership at some of the nation’s largest distributors.

Webinar Resources

Grow Your Business with NCG

NCG Programs (PDF)

KeHE’s Category Management Team Contact List (PDF)

How to Work With INFRA (PDF)