HEI 2020 offers business leaders practical, hands-on advice about financing, sales, marketing, eComm, organizational challenges, finding personal balance, managing change, and key concerns that are fundamental to growing an enterprise in today’s competitive marketplace.

Join US and NZ business leaders who will help companies large and small “up your game,” whether you are adjusting to the new environment, seeking to export or in a position to grow a healthy sustainable business.

“As a company in the early stages of entering the USA, there is no better conference than HEI to attend, the networks created and advice given are unparalleled for a New Zealand event.”

Angus Brown, CEO, A̅repa Nootropics

About the Event

US Natural Products leader Gary Hirshberg (and colleagues) returns to NZ with his 4th Annual Entrepreneurship Institute.

The programme offers business leaders practical, hands-on advice about financing, sales, marketing, eComm, organizational challenges, finding personal balance, managing change, and key concerns that are fundamental to growing an enterprise in today’s competitive marketplace. The leading US and NZ business leaders will help companies large and small “up your game”, whether you are seeking to export or just grow a healthy sustainable business.

  • Domestic and international natural foods brands and suppliers in multiple categories now enjoy significant success as a result of Hirshberg team’s counsel and guidance.
  • They turn your ideas into profitable business and demonstrate how to navigate the countless hurdles to market entry through retailers, wholesale distributors or brokers.
  • Practical advice on creating sustainable cash flow models and strategic marketing plans that anticipate the real cost of market entry.
  • They feature inspirational success stories and practical workshops focused on: sales (including eCommerce), marketing, finance and organisational challenges.
  • Build and sustain compelling consumer and trade propositions on affordable budgets.
  • Uses participants’ real-life case studies.
  • You are invited to submit advance requests for a limited number of 1:1 meetings where you get feedback on your propositions.

New for 2020!

Day 3 will feature 10 companies pitching to over a dozen investors from New Zealand and the US. 75% of the investment pitches at our May Institute led to successful financing!

Case Studies

Got a question or challenge about how best to structure your business, secure capital or position your brand for success? Over the course of two finance/business sessions and two marketing/brand positioning sessions, 8 entrepreneurs will have the chance to get personalized, cutting edge advice from a group of world-class experts.

This is a fantastic opportunity to receive insights and advice from CEOs and Founders who guide hundreds of millions of dollars of businesses from start-up to Fortune 500. And if you are not ready to submit your own pitch, we guarantee that you will receive fantastic insights and ideas from watching and hearing these live cases.

Pitch to Investors

Raising money is key to any growing company. And now is a particularly good time for healthy brands to pitch for investment with the stock market in tumult and with the health and green sectors booming. Last year’s HEI pitching day resulted in some serious and successful raises, and this year promises to be even better – we will have over 30 investors on-line via Zoom listening to your pitch. We have 10 openings and want one of them to be you! And if you are not ready to submit your pitch, this is a great opportunity for you to watch and learn from both those who are and also from the investors’ questions and responses. Don’t miss this valuable day.

If you’d like to pitch to our panel of angel, institutional, and venture investors during the online event, download and complete a pitch application form. Applicants must be registered to attend.


Individual: Three days jam-packed with hands-on advice, all for the low price of NZ$150 + GST per person.

Group Pricing: Bring 4-6 colleagues from one company for the discounted rate of NZ$600 + GST.

NOTE FOR NZ COMPANIES: If you are a NZ company looking for the $600 rate and wish to apply for a NZTE and Callaghan Capability Development Voucher through the NZTE Regional Business Partner Network to be eligible for up to a 50% off the full cost, contact Brendan Hoare at bhoare@buypurenz.com or 027 2888 618 for details.


Date: 10-12 November, 2020
Location: Online via Zoom and in-person (details to come)

Why this bootcamp is successful

Commercial reality: The Institute has helped countless domestic and international brands enjoy significant commercial success.

Focused on growth and developing people: The Institute has the business acumen and knowledge to turn great ideas into profitable businesses, navigate the hurdles to market entry through retailers, wholesale distributors, and effectively find and engage brokers.

Proven experience: The presenters have visited NZ many times as speakers and advisors, and have been impressed with Kiwi entrepreneurs’ expertise, product quality and market readiness. They recognise that while the US has great opportunities, it can also be a costly, confusing and uphill battle to launch there.

Local expertise: Buy Pure NZ is here to guide and ensure the programme is grounded in the reality facing NZ entrepreneurs and brands.

Who Should Attend

Based on decades of experience, this workshop has been designed to meet the needs of the following types of ‘Business to Consumer’ and ‘Business to Business’ enterprises:

  • Early-stage pre-revenue start-ups looking to build a sustainable enterprise (whether or not they are seeking to export to the US)
  • Mature, established enterprises
  • Re-entry companies who have ‘been there, done that’ but now want to ‘go deeper’
  • Executives responsible for implementing change
  • Business and brand owners and emerging entrepreneurs
  • Socially responsible investors
  • For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Enterprises
  • Those interested in a career change