Company Name: Big Roller

One line Pitch: A new experience in moving.

Business Summary: We have invented a revolutionary piece of technology that allows things to be moved quickly and over long distances. We plan to use this technology to create products that we will sell to people who need to move anything larger than things that they can carry.

Management: My business partner and CTO Grok has a secret where he uses a hard sharp rock to shape other rocks. We have already used this technique to manufacture arrowheads. We spend our time making things for other people in exchange for food. We also made a large stone club for our CFO Buba to make sure we get paid.

Customer Problem: Zok in the next cave over tried to move a rock so his family could sit around it, but it was too heavy to drag and didn’t roll well. Olf once scored so big on the hunt that he couldn’t drag his prize home.

Product/Services: We are going to shape stones into disks and put a hole in the middle. In the hole we are going to put large sticks and we will connect these with other sticks to make a flat surface that will support whatever heavy object you want to move.

Target Market: Anyone who needs to move heavy objects, like Zok and Olf, would be customers. Zok wanted to move to another cave once, but changed his mind when he tried to pick up the rocks that his family sits on.

Customers: Zok and Olf so far.

Sales/Marketing Strategy: We are going to build a prototype that we can roll to the caves down the river because we think that other people will have the same problem as Zok and Olf and will therefore be customers.

Business Model: We will manufacture stone disks and build rolling platforms that we will sell. We can also sell the stone disks by themselves for other people to build things with them.

Competitors: We don’t know of any other competitors. We saw someone dragging rocks on big sticks once, but our solution is better.

Competitive Advantage: We have been working with stones and know where the best ones are for making our disks. If anyone finds the place with good stones, we will make more clubs for Buba and his friends to keep people away.